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Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two

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Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two Empty Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two

Post by Professor Black Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:10 am

I look around the classroom, happy to see that everyone is here. I'd joined the first years in with the second and third years because they all seemed capable, and there were very few second and third years. "Welcome," I say as the last few students stop talking and sit down. "Today, we will be dealing with Doxies. Can anyone tell me what a Doxie is?" I ask. A student answers correctly. "Excellent. Fifteen points. Now, I have a few here with me today. They do bite, and are poisonous, so please be careful. I have the antidote of course, but I'd rather not have any of you need to use it. Now, we will each take turns immobilizing the Doxies and putting them back in their cages. What spell is used to immobilize a target?" Another student gets the correct answer, and I award him/her ten points. "Ten points for every successful immobilization, five if you can get it back in the cage without touching it or releasing another Doxy. Line up and we'll begin."
Professor Black
Professor Black

Posts : 23
Join date : 2011-07-22

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Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two Empty Re: Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two

Post by Guest Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:38 pm

I raise my hand as Professor Black asks about Doxies. "Doxies are small fairy-like creature that, as you can see, are covered with black hair. They have sharp venomous teeth and when dealing with them it's always handy to carry the antidote with you." Professor Black gave Slytherin Fifteen points as I returned to relaxing in my chair.


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Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two Empty Re: Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two

Post by Anyla Aera Tue Aug 09, 2011 10:46 pm

I cringe as he shows us the Doxies. This won't be good, I think. I suppress a sigh. Any type of animal scares me. These aren't much better.
Don't worry, you'll be fine. There's a teacher to make sure nothing bad happens and Kain's here too and can help you and you'll be fine. Plus maybe this class will help you get over your fear.

Anyla Aera

Posts : 170
Join date : 2011-07-23
Age : 23

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Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two Empty Re: Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two

Post by Guest Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:59 am

I look over at Anyla and that Slytherin boy. I see them sitting together, which really makes me angry. Maybe I should let the Doxy get out and hope it goes for them, I think to myself. I see Trylin sitting alone. He had told me he was banned from interacting with the two of them, which I found pathetic. He just had to get into a huge fight in the first lesson...
I'll help him out I guess, I think. That Slytherin doesn't deserve her. I'll get her away from him by the end of the semester.


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Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two Empty Re: Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two

Post by Guest Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:14 am

I look over at Kylar, who is now glaring at Anyla and Kain. "Maybe he'll help me," I think aloud, though quietly enough so that no one hears. Professor Black calls the class to line up, and I end up very near the front. I watch a third year girl stun the Doxy, then levitate it towards the cage. She nearly doesn't get it in before the others try to escape, but she ends up succeeding. Great...
I go next, and I manage to stun it with Immobilus. However as I try and put it in the cage, five other Doxies escape and begin to terrorize the class.


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Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two Empty Re: Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two

Post by Guest Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:52 am

Oi , I pushes Anyla out of the way as the Pixies escaped. Professor Black reacted first and was able to hit at least two of the five. The three others swarmed around the students a bit, one going for Anyla. I swatted it away from her and fired my spell, "Immobilus" . It hit the Pixie dead on and Kylar had hit another. Professor Black finally subdued the other one in a matter of seconds.
"Did anyone get bitten?" Professor asked looking around checking the few students near him.
"Kain," Anyla said with a concerned look on her face. "You're wrist!" I looked down and there was little few drops of blood on the floor and I was bleeding a bit. I felt dizzy all of a sudden and felt my balance go. Bloody he... I felt my body falling before I blacked out.


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Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two Empty Re: Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two

Post by Anyla Aera Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:58 am

Kain falls over suddenly, and Professor Black instantly is by his side. "Get the Doxies back in the cage," he says quickly. He makes Kain sit up, opens Kain's mouth and gets a bit of the antidote down his throat, then he lays him back down gently. A few of the third years managed to put the Doxies back, but I'm not sure how. I couldn't pay attention to anything but Professor Black and Kain. Please let him be alright, I think as I dig my nails into my palms. Don't let him be hurt or... I bite my tongue so that I don't end up hyperventilating.
Kain's eyes slowly open, and he starts coughing a bit. "Alright son?" Professor Black asks. Kain nods.
"Head... Hurts..." he says quietly. Professor Black nods.
"I'm not surprised. I'll have someone take you up to the hospital wing. You can rest there for a bit."

Anyla Aera

Posts : 170
Join date : 2011-07-23
Age : 23

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Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two Empty Re: Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two

Post by Guest Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:14 am

"That.....sounds......lovely..." I wasn't sure why that was my word choice but I managed to get it out. Then again my head was spinning so much I wasn't sure of anything.
"Professor.....he's going to be.......alright, right?" Anyla asked still nervous. Trylin and Kylar looked like they had won the Quidditch World Cup. They high fived a little and chuckled.
"Don't worry, he'll be fine after some rest. Would you like to escort him?" Professor Black's question wipes Trylin and Kylar's smiles away.
"Yeah, no problem and I'm sure Cayden could help too." Anyla commented noticing that she could get out of possibly being bombarded by the two Gryffindors.

(OOC: I'm going to post in Hospital Wing now seeing as I'm unconscious >.> )


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Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two Empty Re: Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two

Post by Anyla Aera Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:17 am

Cayden and I grab Kain's arms and drag him out. I shoot glares at Trylin and Kylar, but I'm sure it didn't look menacing at all, and they just laugh more. "Jerks..." I mutter. Kain apparantly hears me and chuckles a bit, but he seems too dazed to really say anything or pay attention to anything. I hope he's okay...

((OOC: Continued in the post Kain makes))

Anyla Aera

Posts : 170
Join date : 2011-07-23
Age : 23

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Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two Empty Re: Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two

Post by Guest Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:23 am

As I'm helping grab Kain I look over at Trylin and Kylar and see them laughing. I so badly wanted to levitate another book and drop it on Trylin's again, but couldn't. I thought to myself and said to Anyla, "That had to have been on purpose. There was no way they would laugh and high-five each other if that hadn't been planned."
"I know that's what I was thinking" Anyla sighed.

(OOC: Sorry I didn't know if it was alright to post, if not I'll change it or something. I just didn't know if you're thought was to be continued in Kain's post)


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Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two Empty Re: Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two

Post by Guest Sat Aug 13, 2011 1:20 am

As Anyla and I left we talked about the possibility of Trylin and Kylar allowing those doxies to fly free. They looked so happy after Kain got bitten by one and were practically laughing as me and Anyla went to the hopsital wing.
"Do you think that they let the doxies free?" I asked.
"I think that Kylar gave Trylin the idea. I'm not sure that Trylin would have endangered the whole class without persuasion," she replied.
"I know, now with classes murged in defense against the dark arts we have to worry about Kylar too..." I said.
"Yeah..and after what just happened, I'm worried that it could get worse....." she replied trailing off into the infinite possibilities.


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Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two Empty Re: Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two

Post by Guest Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:30 pm

As the doxies began whizzing around the room I ducked underneath the desk I was sitting at. Why did Trylin and Kylar have to start so much trouble? Being that they were in my house I felt I had to do something to stop them. Before long we would have no points left at all. After Kain left for the hospital wing I decided to make my move. I got up from the floor and went right up to Trylin and Kylar. "Why can't you guys learn to leave people alone and stop causing trouble all the time?"I said in the most confident voice I could. I saw the two of them trying to kep a straight face, but I could tell they thought I had made a complete fool out of myself. I turned by back to them before I saw any more and ran out of the classroom.


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Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two Empty Re: Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two

Post by Anyla Aera Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:53 pm

I look over at Trylin and Kylar and glare. "Those two will definitely be a problem..." I tell Cayden. "I hope Kain's alright..."
"He'll be fine, he seems tough," Cayden reassures me.
I nod. "We really need to get them to back off... The Professors don't know Kylar's in on it... So he could mess things up worse..."

Anyla Aera

Posts : 170
Join date : 2011-07-23
Age : 23

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Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two Empty Re: Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two

Post by Guest Sun Aug 14, 2011 12:46 am

Anyla and that other kid leave with the Slytherin boy, and a small Gryffindor girl approaches Trylin and me. "Why can't you guys learn to leave people alone and stop causing trouble all the time?" she asks. We fight to keep straight faces. She just looks so puny and unintimidating.
Soon Anyla and the other boy return, and I decide that it would be smart to go talk to her now. I tell Trylin to stay back since all of the teachers are on alert for him.
"So Anyla," I say coming up behind her and putting my hands on her shoulders. "Wanna ditch your Dark wizard boyfriend and come to the ball with me?"
She turns and stares at me incredulously. Then she looks angry. "He's not a Dark wizard!" She practically shouts.
I chuckle. "Look hun, you're young, you probably can't tell, but he's definitely evil. And not just because he's in Slytherin. It's his entire family." I lean close and whisper in her ear. "The Alburns were well known for siding with Dark wizards. Whenever there was a conflict such as this one, they'd join the Dark side. He'll do the same."
"You're wrong!" she says, backing away.
I just grin. "So will you go to the ball with me?" I ask changing the subject yet again.


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Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two Empty Re: Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two

Post by Anyla Aera Sun Aug 14, 2011 12:57 am

"I wouldn't go with you if you were the last boy in school!" I exclaim beginning to walk away from him. He grabs my wrist.
"Come on. Just go with me. Please?" he asks. I almost laugh. "Please" was probably the first nice word I'd ever heard him say.
"No. I won't go with you." I try to pull away, but his grip is strong. "If you don't let go of my arm now, I'll hex you."

Anyla Aera

Posts : 170
Join date : 2011-07-23
Age : 23

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Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two Empty Re: Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two

Post by Guest Sun Aug 14, 2011 11:18 pm

I see a commotion beginning to happen in the classroom though it seems I'm the only one to notice.
It seems that Kylar (as I overheard) actually asked Anyla to go to the ball and now because she refused he wouldn't let her go.
Well...I just can't let that happen can I?
At the exact moment I'm thinking this it seems someone else let another doxie go free (this time by accident), making this a great cover for an "accident" to occur.
I see a pot next to Kylar that I'm sure if I levitate and "accidentally drop" it will scare him enough to let go of Anyla, while still looking like an accident, as if someone had misfired a spell that they attempted to aim at the flying doxie.
"Wingardium leviosa" I say and the pot levitates in the air a small amount. I really do like this spell I think. I "accidentally" let it drop and it comes crashing to the floor.
Thankfully Kylar let go of Anyla who quickly walked away from the incident unnoticed.
The Professor walked over an quickly fixed it with by saying "reparo" and told the class to be a bit more careful when aiming at a doxie,
Kylar looked over at me menacingly obviously thinking I've done that, however my wand was no where in sight.


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Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two Empty Re: Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two

Post by Anyla Aera Mon Aug 15, 2011 11:59 pm

I walk over to Cayden. "Was that you?" I ask. He just smirks and looks at Kylar, who looks furious. I grin. "Good one."
"Kain will sure get a kick out of it," Cayden laughs quietly. I nod in agreement.
"I'll tell him when I visit him at the Hospital Wing," I say.
"You're going to visit him?" he asks.
"Of course. He's one of my closest friends."
Cayden gives me a look and I blush. "Friend huh?"

Anyla Aera

Posts : 170
Join date : 2011-07-23
Age : 23

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Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two Empty Re: Defense Against Magical Creatures Lesson Two

Post by Guest Tue Aug 16, 2011 11:23 pm

"Well when you go over to the Hospital wing, make sure to tell him about it."
"Oh and also, tell him I hope he gets better fast."
"I will," she replies.
"So I'm guessing you two are going to the ball together?" I grin. "You must be pretty excited."
"We are, and yeah I'm pretty excited," she replies.
"That's good, I'm excited too." I say.

Over at the end of the classroom I see Kylar and Trylin staring at us angrily...I hope they don't interfere at all with the ball I think.

Anyla saw that I was looking over at them and I think she got what I was thinking...


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