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Beginner Class, Lesson One

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Beginner Class, Lesson One Empty Beginner Class, Lesson One

Post by Professor Sanderson Mon Aug 01, 2011 2:41 am

I enter the classroom and see that all of the students are already in their seats. "Good good," I say, smiling as I reach the front of the class. "I'm Professor Sanderson. I will be teaching you all Transfiguration." I pause, looking to make sure everyone is paying attention. "Transfiguration is very important in the magical world. It's one of the more necessary branches of magic, though it is one of the hardest. This class will not come easily to you all, but I'm sure you will all do well." I smile.
"Now, for today's lesson, we will be Transfiguring matches into needles. First three to do so will receive ten points for their house. Take one match from the box in front of you, then give it a try." I explain how to perform the spell, then let the students have their shot.

((OOC: There is no spell specified when this lesson was given, so just pretend you're saying the spell. Be creative. If one person comes up with a name for this spell or an incantation, just use theirs in your story. First three posters get the points if they say their character has succeeded. Not everyone can succeed, so please make it based on your character's strengths and weaknesses. Thank you)
Professor Sanderson
Professor Sanderson

Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-07-20

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Beginner Class, Lesson One Empty Re: Beginner Class, Lesson One

Post by Guest Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:22 am

I, Jen, or J for short got to Transfiguration class as early as I could. This class was the class I am most excited for. Professor Sanderson starts class by giving us the tack of Transfiguring matches into needles. I get to work right away fliking my wnd at the match. I dont really know what I am doing, but see part of the match terns silver. I am so so so happy, but must ceep tring for I have not succeeded yet. Two other kids have already succeeded.
With a few more fliks and waves my match is now a needle.
"Erm, Professor is this right?" I ask.


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Beginner Class, Lesson One Empty Re: Beginner Class, Lesson One

Post by Guest Mon Aug 01, 2011 1:24 pm

I stare at my match. I keep flicking my wand, but I can't seem to make it change. I look over at Anyla, who is smugly holding up a needle.
"Come on, Come on!" I see the end of the match turn pointy, but there's still the red part that catches fire on the other end. And it isn't metal.
"Come ON!" The entire match turns to metal, but there's no eye for thread or anything. "Grrr..."


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Beginner Class, Lesson One Empty Re: Beginner Class, Lesson One

Post by Anyla Aera Mon Aug 01, 2011 1:27 pm

I hold up my needle happily. I accomplished the transformation on my second attempt. "This is easy," I smile.
"Excellent Miss Aera. Ten points. Everyone, see how Miss Aera has accomplished her task." She comes over, grabs my needle and shows it to the students around me. "Seeing this might make it easier for you to picture the needle in your head. Resume your attempts."

Anyla Aera

Posts : 170
Join date : 2011-07-23
Age : 23

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Beginner Class, Lesson One Empty Re: Beginner Class, Lesson One

Post by Guest Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:08 pm

As the rest of the class begins to try and transfigure their matches into needles I realize that I can't find my wand.
I search everywhere for it and after more than half the class manages to turn their matches into needles I just find my wand.
By the end of the class I've only attempted three times, flicking my wand angrily, at the same time being jealous of Jen and Anyla....oh well I'll get it eventually.


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Beginner Class, Lesson One Empty Re: Beginner Class, Lesson One

Post by Guest Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:59 pm

I watched as Anyla got compliments on her abilities and I couldn't stop a smile from appearing on my face. Guess I should try.. I thought. Rick had mentioned something about this spell before and I remembered a few tips he gave me. I'll have to remember to thank him later and punch him for not letting me figure this out, I mentally noted. After about twenty attempts I managed the spell but didn't bother to tell anyone. I wasn't one to ever show off.


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Beginner Class, Lesson One Empty Re: Beginner Class, Lesson One

Post by Guest Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:08 am

I look look look over at the boy siting next to me. He looks older than me and the other 1st years. His gives me the feling he is sad but still has a grin on his face. I see he is looking at a girl in the frunt of the room. He has already terned his match into a needle, but does not seem to cair.
"Hi!!!" I say but he sems startled. Great he does not like me and I have only said hi. "Im Jen, or J for short. Whats your name?"
"Kain" he says losing is smille and looking more wored then sad.
"Your needle looks good good good!"
"Oh yeah, yours too." he looks back twards the girl.
"Who is she?"


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Beginner Class, Lesson One Empty Re: Beginner Class, Lesson One

Post by Guest Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:20 am

"A good friend that I met on the Hogwarts Express," I told the excited first year. "We got to talk for a while at Diagon Alley before that." I turned back to her and smiled. I remembered that I couldn't let others see me disgruntled.
"Oh sounds like she's a really nice nice nice person," J admitted looking over at her now. "Why didn't you go to sit with her?"
"Well the Gryffindor boy who's sitting close by her kind of dislikes me a lot and I don't want to cause a scene or stress her out."
"Ah, maybe you should turn that nasty boy into a needle," she joked and we both laughed.
"That would be a little bit harder than the match," I said smiling again. "But thanks for the thought, I'll remember it."
"Why were you so sad?" J asked innocently.
"Well my brother had gave me tips about how to cast some first year spells. I had hoped to figure them out on my own but, oh well." I lied smiling again. Truth was I wanted to sit next Anyla and congratulate her but Trylin would do everything to keep that from happening.


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Beginner Class, Lesson One Empty Re: Beginner Class, Lesson One

Post by Guest Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:50 am

Other than the fact that Kain semed to be avoding some of what was really on his mind I think he is nice. He did something odd. He caled me J. I always say Im Jen or J for short but people always call me Jen.
"What is your brother like, other than giving you tips on magic?" I ask. Mabe he will tell me about his familly sins he wont talk about his thoughts.


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Beginner Class, Lesson One Empty Re: Beginner Class, Lesson One

Post by Guest Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:59 am

"Mostly like my other family members, into his work. A few of them are Aurors while the others simply work at the Ministry. They all want me to become a great wizard hence the tips. I don't really get to see much of them but when I do it's always nice. Just wish they weren't so work oriented," I explained.
"Sounds a bit rough being away from family and getting to have time with them," Jen says.
"Yeah but I understand why they're away, what's your family like?" I asked wanting to know a bit more about her.


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Beginner Class, Lesson One Empty Re: Beginner Class, Lesson One

Post by Guest Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:21 am

"My familly live all together, my aunts, uncles, cusins, grandma, Pa, and Ma, in one very large lopsided colorful house in the middle of a boxy boring city." I say in one breth.
"Wow" he says
"I can understand what you go thruo only a little because my Ma can only comes home on tusdays. I miss her now. With all my familly we can forget she is gon but hear..." I traill off thinking of all my family and how my Ma always smels of pomegranates and calls me J.
"Yeah I know your mom"
"What you do?" I ask confused
"Of corse I see her all the time at my parents workaholics meatings" I start laghing so so so so hard. Mabe Kain is not so sad.


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Beginner Class, Lesson One Empty Re: Beginner Class, Lesson One

Post by Anyla Aera Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:14 pm

I turn to look back at Kain to see if he's done his needle, but Trylin grabs my arm as I turn. "An, I need help," he says, taking my attention. I sigh, annoyed that he's starting to call me An.
"How do you do it?" he asks.
"You just kinda... Picture it in your head, becoming a needle, and then flick your wand, say the words... It's easy."
"But I still can't get it, watch." He demonstrates for me.
"Your wand isn't really right when you do that." I grab his wand hand and wave it the proper way.
"Like this?" he asks loudly.
"Yes. Now do it yourself," I say dropping my hands.

Anyla Aera

Posts : 170
Join date : 2011-07-23
Age : 23

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Beginner Class, Lesson One Empty Re: Beginner Class, Lesson One

Post by Guest Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:24 pm

"Like this?" I heard Trylin say obnoxiously loud. I turn my attention towards him and I can see why. He was sitting there talking with Anyla and she had just been holding his hand trying to help him. First his friend in Defense Against Dark Arts and now he's doing it here," I thought, wishing I could turn that match into a spider or something. I let out a sigh and Anyla looked my way. I waved at her, smiled, and mouthed 'Don't worry about it, don't let him get to you.' Whatever his friend and him tried I couldn't let them get to me. They were just being dumb for now.


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