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Intermediate Class Week 1

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Intermediate Class Week 1 Empty Intermediate Class Week 1

Post by Professor Lockheart Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:52 pm

"Charms are used in a variety of ways in out lives. We use them to wash dishes, have brooms sweep entire rooms, and even use shield charms and defensive charms to defend ourselves. This year I hope to teach you a number of defensive charms to help along with your Defense Against the Dark Arts class." I set out pillows for the students to practice with, figuring blunt objects may get me in trouble with Nurse Jensen. I resume my seat at my desk and wait to help those I need to.

1: Cheering Charms were invited by who and when?

2: In order for "Accio" to work properly, do you need a general idea of where the item is located?

3: "Accio" causes an object to teleport to the caster, true or false?

4: "Depulso" is mostly used for what two objects?

5: What is the main use of Cheering Charms?

Spell for Practice: Summoning Charm "Accio"

(OOC: PM me with answers, those who answer first and correct will be awarded points to their respective houses. Still allowed to post in this thread.)
Professor Lockheart
Professor Lockheart

Posts : 41
Join date : 2011-07-23
Age : 39

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Intermediate Class Week 1 Empty Re: Intermediate Class Week 1

Post by Guest Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:20 pm

I got all of the questions fairly easily, and started practicing "Accio." I summoned Arora's paper, which made her laugh.
"Come on, Amber." She says
"Fine, take it back." I told her
She tried, and couldn't do it.
"It's okay, try again." I say


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Intermediate Class Week 1 Empty Re: Intermediate Class Week 1

Post by Guest Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:22 pm

I kept trying to summon my paper, but it wouldn't come to me.
"Accio, paper." I say, "Accio paper."
I focused on the speel as hard as I could, imagining it flying through the air, into my hands.
"Accio paper."
I sighed, it just wasn't working.


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Intermediate Class Week 1 Empty Re: Intermediate Class Week 1

Post by Guest Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:27 pm

I sat at the table, and didn't bother answering the questions. I didn't like to be the center of attention.
"Accio, paper." I say, and the paper flys into my hands.
"Accio, paper." Arora says, and fails.
"Just swish and flick, Arora."
"Okay, Accio, paper." The paper flutters, but doesn't come to her.
"You'll get it." Amber says


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Intermediate Class Week 1 Empty Re: Intermediate Class Week 1

Post by Guest Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:32 pm

After answering the questions, I moved on to "Practicing". I was already really good at summoning charms, especially since Charms was my best subject. "Accio pillow," I mutter, flicking my wand. The pillow soars towards me, and I catch it neatly. "Cake," I laugh.
Hmm... I wonder... I smirk and look at Auron, who is holding his wand with a light grip. "Accio wand!" I whisper, flicking my wand at Auron's. It soars into my hand. I grin at the glare he gives me.
"Very funny Xale," he mutters.


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Intermediate Class Week 1 Empty Re: Intermediate Class Week 1

Post by Guest Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:53 pm

I saw most of the students getting the summoning charm down. Xale had breezed through this one like always. I can do this... I thought. Then my wand flew out of my hand. Xale had summoned my wand to him.
"Very funny Xale," I muttered as he smirked at me. He handed me back my wand and I went to work. "Accio Pillow," I said and the pillow wiggled a little but didn't really budge. "Accio Pillow," and yet again it didn't really budge.
"Relax a little, don't be so tense. Think of this spell like you do with Transfiguration." Xale explained. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Wait Auron you might not...." Xale began.
"Accio Pillow!" I said sternly and before I opened my eyes a pillow hit me in the face.
"Well I tried warning you," Xale laughed.


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Intermediate Class Week 1 Empty Re: Intermediate Class Week 1

Post by Guest Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:55 pm

"Wouldn't 'expelliarmus" have worked better?" I ask Xale. He shruggs and mumbles something about 'practicing the assignment.'
I sign as the pillow zooms toward me. "Hey, Auron, how do you think those quiditch tryouts went? What house is going to be the biggest competition?" I say, trying to make conversation. Teachers always underestimate us on the first day.


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Intermediate Class Week 1 Empty Re: Intermediate Class Week 1

Post by Professor Lockheart Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:02 pm

"Nice work Ms Rush," I complimented as I started to walk around. "Ten points to Gryffindor. Keep working at it Ms Hawthorne, just relax and take your time. Charms are more of a delicate spell group and don't require as much force. Just ask Mr Nagato over there," I said pointing at a young Ravenclaw student who summoned a pillow into his face. "And well done Mr Bradley, ten points to Hufflepuff." I slid over to the two Ravenclaw boys as the one shoved the pillow back onto the desk. "Mind how much effort you put into your spells Mr Nagato but never the less five points for you. Good job Ms Astraia ten points. Also I saw how you thought ahead Mr Peterson. Fifteen points to Ravenclaw for your ingenuity." I smiled at Mr Peterson and walked away.
Professor Lockheart
Professor Lockheart

Posts : 41
Join date : 2011-07-23
Age : 39

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Intermediate Class Week 1 Empty Re: Intermediate Class Week 1

Post by Guest Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:04 pm

"Well," I started thinking as I put the pillow down. "Slytherin has a pretty good seeker and we can't underestimate Hufflepuff with players like Arora. I would say there's gonna be competition from all three of the houses."
"Nothing we can't handle though," reassures Xale as he lays on the pillow.


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Intermediate Class Week 1 Empty Re: Intermediate Class Week 1

Post by Guest Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:49 pm

"Don't get too cocky," I warn Xale as I zip the pillow out from under him causing his head to slip hard on the floor. "And stay focused, we are in class you know. We should be practicing as often as we can. It's been too long since Ravenclaw won." I say as Auron nods in agreement and Xale glares at me, massaging his throbing head.


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Intermediate Class Week 1 Empty Re: Intermediate Class Week 1

Post by Guest Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:53 pm

I sigh and summon my pillow. "Accio pillow," I say. It zooms towards me and nearly hits me in the face. "Easy. At least it isn't Transfiguration," I sigh, looking around.
Everyone else is doing the same, and I see no reason to practice anymore.


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Intermediate Class Week 1 Empty Re: Intermediate Class Week 1

Post by Guest Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:24 pm

"Accio pillow." I say, and it quivers. I sigh, "At least it's progress."
I try again, and it flys about halfway to me.
"Accio pillow." I say, with more force, and it flys up in my hands.
"Nice job, Arora." Auron says, "but, you'll never beat-"
"Wingardium Leviosa" I say, smirking as the pillow hits him square in the face, and shuts him up. Xale and Luke laugh.


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Intermediate Class Week 1 Empty Re: Intermediate Class Week 1

Post by Guest Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:41 pm

When Professor Lockheart announced our assignment I rolled my eyes at how easy it was. I answered the questions in a breeze.

I then went ahead with the next part of class.

"Accio pillow."

Right after I cast the spell I catch the pillow with one hand, and then threw it back to go again. I felt like I was wasting my time. All of a sudden I felt another pillow hit me in the side of the head, but I looked up and couldn't tell where it had come from. I was definitely going to keep my defenses up for the rest of the class.


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Intermediate Class Week 1 Empty Re: Intermediate Class Week 1

Post by Guest Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:17 pm

I grabbed the pillow and tossed it aside, Hope that didn't hit anyone . I playfully glared at Arora and heard Luke and Xale begin laughing. Arora starting giggling at me and I simply sat back with my arms crossed.
"Meanie," I shot her way as she stuck her tongue out at me. I got a sudden thought and decided to try it out. I pointed my wand at Arora's paper, which she still hadn't gotten, and began to speak when Xale summoned my wand yet again. I simply looking at him as he smiled and Arora and Luke started laughing again and put my face down in defeat. I'll get em back in Transfiguration, I plotted. Still three vs one was unfair.

Last edited by Auron Nagato on Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:55 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Intermediate Class Week 1 Empty Re: Intermediate Class Week 1

Post by Guest Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:23 pm

"You know, Auron. I'm starting to feel really bad for you. If something like this happens again, I may have to offer you my services." I say, smirking at him.
"Never." he says, "I'll get you my pretty-"
"You think she's pretty? Well, that's not the word I'd use." Xale said, raising his eyebrows at me.
"No, it's- ugh, nevermind."
"Not cool, Xale." I say, once again trying not to laugh.


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Intermediate Class Week 1 Empty Re: Intermediate Class Week 1

Post by Professor Lockheart Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:39 pm

"Ten points to both Gryffindor and Slytherin," I say smiling at the students as they continue to get the lesson down. Well at least I know that I have a capable bit of students, next lesson will have to be a bit more difficult, I thought, happy knowing that they got a simple summoning charm down.
Professor Lockheart
Professor Lockheart

Posts : 41
Join date : 2011-07-23
Age : 39

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Intermediate Class Week 1 Empty Re: Intermediate Class Week 1

Post by Guest Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:48 pm

Xale handed me back my wand and I laughed a little. I knew it was kind of a losing battle here but never the less it was fun to joke around with friends.
"Don't worry Auron will live," Xale said nudging me in the side.
"Yeah, I'll tough it out somehow I guess," I spoke smiling a little after.
"I don't know how much you could do when it's three against one," Luke admitted jokingly.
"Well as long as Charms are not the main focus, I'll be fine." We all laughed as I made my comment.


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Intermediate Class Week 1 Empty Re: Intermediate Class Week 1

Post by Guest Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:31 pm

I look over to where Xale, Auron, Luke and Arora are standing, laughing. I sigh. "Why can't I be with them?" I wonder in a whisper. I look at my Slytherin friends, all snotty, rich brats, and I suppress a growl. I hate them all. I can't keep my same social status unless I'm friends with them, and if I lose my social status, my parents will get upset. Then again, my parents are gone... I can just go be normal now, can't I? I mumble "Accio Pillow," and it comes towards me. Good. At least I can still summon.


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